Egypt - the home in my heart

As the sun dipped towards the horizon, the sky turned to gold, the rays split through the clouds, like the arms of the Aten.

How can I speak of the love that fills my heart? As the wave of heat hits my weary body after two days of airports and airplanes on my journey to Luxor, I breathe deeply and feel like I’m home.

The sights and sounds, the fragrance on the air, and soon, the taste of fotour (breakfast) excites me. I no longer feel tired. I enjoy the drive to the southern bridge and across the Nile, heading north to Qurna. I take in the new canal, the lovely bougainvillea that line the streets, and (still) delight at the sight of a camel. I nod quietly as Mostafa and his brother Tayeb regale me about the family - the newly married, the children, the jobs, new construction in town. I’m too busy taking it all in to respond more fully.

One of my earliest memories is seeing the pyramids on some television program. Since then, I had been deeply fascinated with Egypt. My goal was to become an Egyptian archaeologist. Now, life has a way of taking you down different tracks, but I eventually got there. I devoted many years of my life in formal education to the history and culture of Egypt. But nothing can prepare you for the reality. I wish I could say the first visit was the most special, but alas I never tire of the life here. Every visit is special. I feel the stress fall away. We stop to get some gahwa (coffee) and I inhale the aroma and come alive with the flavour. Once again, I am home.


Al Qarnah, Egypt - Busy Village Life


Vacations: Are they worth it?