The Journey - Where adventure begins
Travelling on your first international trip can be challenging! Thanks again to Loreen for sharing this story!
Have you ever experienced the whirlwind of emotions that comes with your first international flight? The mix of fear, excitement, and sheer bewilderment can be overwhelming. For me, that adventure began with a flight from the Philippines to Texas, U.S.A., and it was anything but ordinary for sure.
I was traveling with my uncle, who, like me, was embarking on his first international journey. He looked to me for guidance, assuming that my youthful confidence meant I knew what I was doing. Little did he know, I was just as new to this as he was!
Our trip began with American Airlines, and it was filled with moments that could only be described as chaotic fun. First off, my brand-new neon green bag decided to have a malfunction. One of its rings came loose and began rolling across the airport. There I was, chasing it down with all the grace I could muster as people looked on, while my uncle, with his typical loud and innocent charm, pointed out the obvious in a very audible voice. The whole situation was both embarrassing and hilarious.
Then there was the trolley fiasco. We struggled with our luggage trolley, which seemed to be locked. My uncle, ever the innovator, came up with a theory that if he tiptoed and lifted the blue bar handle, the brakes would release. We went along with this genius idea the all the way to the check-in counter, only to later discover that the real solution was much simpler: just push down on the blue bar and voila! Classic rookie mistake. Now that I look back, I can just imagine the pitying gazes we might have gotten.
To add to the adventure, my uncle’s son had advised him to drink plenty of fluids to combat the altitude. My uncle dutifully followed this advice, only to end up making countless trips to the restroom and getting zero sleep and feeling very bloated. It was a comical yet somewhat exhausting experience.
The trip took an unexpected turn when we heard an announcement over the PA system: our flight was being rerouted to Hawaii due to an electrical storm. Upon landing, we were greeted by a complete blackout on the island. We were guided through the airport by three security guards armed with nothing more than handheld flashlights. My uncle and I couldn’t help but compare it to the frequent blackouts back home, where our establishments are always prepared, emergency lights were on every corner of the room and people walked their way through the dark without fear. We followed along, amused by the situation, as if we were ducklings trailing after the airport security who were our guides.
The rerouting meant we had to rebook our flights at the airport, and I had to wait an extra two hours for my flight to Austin while my uncle caught an earlier flight to Houston. Everything was chaotic since numerous flights had to be rebooked, and people’s tempers were at their peak. Eventually, I made it to my family’s warm embrace, who had been anxiously following my journey, which had taken a dramatic turn due to unforeseen circumstances. It was said that an electrical storm caused us to reroute to Hawaii, however, as if things weren’t complicated enough a rumor begun circulating- one that involved a dramatic Presidential assassination theory linked to our unplanned detour to Hawaii.
As I finally settled into the warmth of our family embrace, it was clear that the journey, while fraught with unexpected challenges, ultimately highlighted the strength of our connections and the comfort of home.
Let us know in the comments if you have any funny or challenging first trip memories to share!