One of the best things about travelling is trying the delicious and different foods along the way! Our trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand and Hanoi, Vietnam (and outlying areas) was a mouth-watering affair with some of their amazing dishes! And Debb who is a big fan of hot chili peppers🌶️, surprised even the locals with her request for more of these when ordering! Haha!
Don’t mess with Debb as she really appreciates the hotter the better!
Some of the wonderful and amazing dishes and drinks we had in both Thailand and Vietnam included eating at the street food market near our hotel (Debb mentioned this one in her blog that we visited on our first night in Chiang Mai) or other street vendors selling a variety of local dishes to try and were all delicious and fulfilling! One of my favourites in Chiang Mai was a small street vendor selling freshly fried chicken or pork or beef with sticky rice wrapped in a leaf – so good!
Another favourite spot in Chiang Mai was a small family run street vendor (1928) that sold incredible fried bread where the batter was so light and the dough was airy and delicious!
They also served the best ginger tea in our opinion!
Roaming the streets of Chiang Mai on our way back to our hotel, Debb and I stumbled upon a great café which was down a back alley off of one of the main streets and was part of the Chiang Mann Residence. Debb and I were so hot, and were delighted with the iced latte and iced cappuccino that we ordered and then relaxed in the quietness of that somewhat secluded spot.
Vietnam was no different in that the food was also delicious and yummy! After a day of walking along the chaotic streets of Hanoi, we had iced coconut coffee or egg coffee or frequented a vegan and Vietnamese restaurant a few doors down from our hotel (so convenient) where the dishes were so fresh and good!
One of the most sumptuous meals that we had in Vietnam was on the boat cruise in Ha Long Bay. Their lunch included a pumpkin cinnamon soup that was to die for and the evening meal comprised of a steady stream of delicate and creative local food choices.
On our last day in Hanoi, Debb and I ate one of our most delicious meals at a local street vendor that had tables and low stools to sit on. We happened upon it at lunch time so it was packed with locals (didn’t see any other tourists)! We ordered what others were eating – a soup with veggies, small pork pieces, herb garnishes and fried bread sticks…mmm….good!!
Delicious street food on the last day in Hanoi.
Debb and I also visited the many outdoor markets with displays of live fish, veggies, or local cuisine and a huge wholesale market full of spices, teas, coffees, shrimps, etc. that will be discussed in a future topic. So, stay tuned!