Haikus for Nature II
February 2025
Following are the haikus I have written in February as part of my ‘What’s Your 60?’ challenge. I have committed to complete the following challenges in 2025 to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA):
Write 60 nature-based haikus
Submit 60 new observations to iNaturalist
Walk 60 km/month
If you wish to sponsor my efforts you can make a tax-deductible donation to Alberta Wilderness Association.
Full Moon Trek
O’ glorious moon,
Shining brightly on this night,
Lead me the way home.
February Wind
Fierce wind blows
Tree branch scrapes window
Slumber breaks
Winter Reminder
Frigid temps and snow
Betrays our thoughts of respite
Snow squeaks beneath feet
Beautiful plumage
A magpie’s raspy chatter
Harbinger of luck
Black-billed magpie (Pica hudsonia)
They are so lovely. Some may call them a nuisance, but I really enjoy them. They are playful and love to chatter.
Golden Glow
Golden glow through the trees
Signal of impending Spring
Am I just wishful
February walk challenge - 72.2 km Total to date - 164.6 km
February iNaturalist posts - 0 Total to date - 0
🔗 January Haikus for Nature
[1] For more information about the magpie - I really enjoyed this article: One for sorrow, two for joy: why we count magpies. FYI I always greet magpies whether they are alone or in multiples!