Real Travel Adventures of Deb and Debb - Part 7: Pre-vacation Shopping

Does anyone else have a problem with pre-vacation shopping?

I’m the type of woman who has always worn classic clothes – flattering solid colours that will last until they fall apart (then they become rags, or pieces get hand-sewn as patches or into other items).♻️ If I find something I like I will often buy two or three of the same thing in different colours – it is just easier. I’ve never really fallen into the ‘fashion for fashion’s sake’ trap. Does that mean I have never purchased clothes that were a little outside my comfort zone on a whim – yes, but then they often don’t get worn and then I eventually donate them to a local charity.

Where I do admit to a shopping problem is pre-vacation. I look at my ‘classic’ wardrobe and decide I want some more colour – or lighter fabrics. But I don’t stop there – I also want to buy new sandals and/or walking shoes (in time to break them in, and if need be, buy another pair if they aren’t as comfortable as I hoped). Where did I put the last straw hat I bought? Wouldn’t a new pair of sunglasses be nice? Oh, my old sunglass case doesn’t fit the new sunglasses…I’ll need a new one. Do I need a new bathing suit? (This last item gets more difficult to purchase every time.)

The problem with online shopping is it is so much easier to purchase clothes. The added benefit is opening up a package – because who doesn’t enjoy that? 🎁It also means I don’t have to go to some store, which has limited options, try on several items and not be happy with anything, deal with pushy salespeople who tell you everything looks great (which it clearly does not) and eventually have to go somewhere else. It is all very time-consuming. I know, some women love that, but I admit clothes shopping has never been ‘fun’ for me.

With online shopping there are endless options, but there doesn’t seem to be any kind of standard sizing. Even the same shop can sell one style of bra that fits perfectly, but when I order another style from the same company it is too small. It is too much of a pain to pack them up and ship them back, so now I have a donation box of totally unworn clothing.

This pre-vacation thing doesn’t end with clothing, I often want a new haircut, a new shade of lipstick, and will try several new ‘sunscreen’ options, because none of this last item ever feels right on my face. I have learned these expensive facial sunscreens can work for the rest of your body though, and that is usually what happens with them. I keep hoping they will come up with something that doesn’t cause either a rash or make me break-out. As a last resort I can use zinc oxide – but it isn’t so attractive! 😎LOL

Do any of you have this same issue? Is there something you always look to buy pre-vacation? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Also, if anyone has ideas for a facial sunscreen for sensitive skin…please let me know. ~ Debb

The following is Deb’s 🐝take on shopping!

It’s funny when you’ve done a fair bit of travelling in the past, you think you’d have everything already, BUT for every trip, I still find I need to do “pre-vacation shopping”!  It is no different than for this upcoming northern Thailand and northern Vietnam trip!?

 Given that I’m planning on taking only a carry-on luggage (to avoid the potential hassle with connecting flights and possible lost luggage), I am looking for mini-sized and/or multi-use items. For example, I found ‘travel soap sheets’ which are paper thin and come in a packet of 30 that can be used for general body washing or rinsing clothes too.  These are very compact as space is the ‘name of the game’ for this trip’s packing! Other toiletries will also be in the mini-size too – example, toothpaste, mosquito repellant, etc.

 Clothes and shoes are the most challenging when looking to minimize weight and space.

 For shoes -  I found Teva sandals 🩴that are waterproof and very lightweight (compared to my older Teva sandals that are made of a heavier rubber material). I also ordered a pair of Vessi shoes that have a tread because they are also waterproof, lightweight and comfortable for trekking through streets and countryside if needed. These will be the only shoes I take with me for this trip.  

For clothes – I will be only taking the bare necessities. I have some lightweight pants that are both long pants and also can be “unzipped” so they convert to shorts. Thus, the multi-purpose aspect that I mentioned above. I will be taking a few lightweight tops that can be mixed and matched. I also find a scarf goes a long way to “jazz’ up a look, use if evenings are a bit cooler, or just to cover your head if needed. A light Gore-Tex-type jacket that will be needed for when I leave and return to Canada (as this will be during fall weather) and also as we may be at the tail end of the rainy season in Thailand/Vietnam.

I will be taking time to “pre-pack” so I can ensure I meet airline requirements on carry-on luggage size and weight. 🧳Having said that, I feel that there may be many versions of what I end up taking once I start ‘pre-packing’! LOL!


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