Philae, Egypt
People must know the past to understand the present, and to face the future.
~ Nellie McClung (1873 - 1951)
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Pottery illustration and analysis - Tausret Temple Project, Egypt (2015)
View from the fort at Tell Ras Budran, Sinai, Egypt (2004) - Beware of goats that eat your excavation drawings when you turn your back!
Hathor Temple, Serabit el-Khadim (2004)
At the end of a hot season in the Sinai. Enjoying a meal with our Bedouin colleagues.
I have been involved in archaeological research and excavations in Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Sudan, Mali, Crete and Canada.
Archaeologists don’t normally dig dinosaur bones, but we tried to at least capture the information of these bones on the surface.
Slab of dinosaur bones found in a wadi next to our site in Sinai (2002)
Some of the fossilized dino bones, in situ.
When at last we anchored in Jeddah's outer harbour, off the white town hung between the blazing sky and its reflection in the mirage which swept and rolled over the wide lagoon, then the heat of Arabia came out like a drawn sword and struck us speechless.
~ T.E. Lawrence (1888-1935)
So too, the summer heat in the Sinai!
Roman column in an olive grove, Crete (2008)
Views of Crete - during survey work for the Knossos Urban Landscape Project (2008)
Drawing, measuring and photogrammetry of ship's timbers
Maritime Archaeology course - Ontario (2018)
Our field director in a window at Krak des Chevaliers (2002)
Our archaeological team atop Tell Acharneh, Syria (with Bedouin tents in the foreground) (2002)
Partially reconstructed bowl from Acharneh
Top L: ACH02-TE1b-1 TC56 - Ottoman pipe, buff fabric, finely levigated, stamped & incised
Bottom L: ACH02-TE1b-1 TC55 - Ottoman pipe, light buff fabric, finely levigated, stamped & incised
Illustration of Ottoman period pipes from Tell ‘Acharneh, Syria
921.4.70 Gift of Sir Robert Mond - Royal Ontario Museum
Bronze Statuette, having a very tall headdress. (Osiris figure?) Arms appear to be crossed on chest holding a flail and crook. Badly corroded w/ encrustations on front and back.
Meroitic - Meroitic period
H: 6 cm W: 2.3 cm Th: 0.9 cm
drawn by DA Donnelly - 25/7/2003
Photo of original illustration - Mourning Woman vase
Tausret Temple Project - 2015 Season
drawn by DA Donnelly
preserved height: 15cm; rim diameter: 7 cm
Full description in JAEI 42 (2024)
Finding archaeology in random places.
Remants of the jetty at Joggins Fossil Cliffs, Nova Scotia
Favourite artifact from the MacBride Museum (Whitehorse, Yukon) - Bentwood box - traded up from the Pacific Coast and over the mountains by Tlingit traders.
Abandoned cabin - Chasán Chúa / McIntyre Creek, Yukon (2021)
Indigenous modified tree - McIntyre Creek, Whitehorse, Yukon (2020)
Pottery strewn across the site at Deir el-Hagar, Dakhla Oasis, Egypt (2017)
Egyptian pound for scale
Modern modified tree, sculpture by Elmer Gunderson at Cottonwood Island Park, Prince George, BC (2019)
Persian bowl - found at the Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons museum - Midland, Ontario (2018)
Future archaeology - Qurna, Egypt (2023) - Fathi Mahmoud & Co
Donnelly, DA (2025) Ancient and Modern Egyptian Species Extinctions. Presentation to the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities (SSEA) January 30, 2025.
Hummel, R (2024) A Mourning-Woman Vase from the Temple of Tausret. In P.P. Creasman, T.L. Finlayson, R.H. Wilkinson (Ed.), Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, Volume 42, June 2024, The Temple of Tausret 2, pp. 237-256.
Donnelly, DA (2024) A History of Egyptian Species at Risk. Presentation to the Alberta Wilderness Association on March 25, 2024.
Yukon Historical and Museums Association (2022) 2021-2022 Annual Report.
Donnelly, DA (2018) Practical Skills: From Wreck to Sails. Maritime Archaeology in Canada,Trent University.
New Brunswick (2018) Tourism, Heritage and Culture Annual Report 2017-2018.
New Brunswick (2018) Maine-New Brunswick Cultural Initiative Task Force: Phase 5 Report 2017-2018.
Donnelly, DA (2017) Canadian Cultural Landscapes: Illustrations of Holistic Conservation?
Fidler, E (2017) What is Cultureplus and Why we Should Support it, Newsletter of Association Heritage New Brunswick, Spring 2017
Creasman, PP (2016) Tausert Temple Project: 2015 and 2016 Seasons, The Ostracon, JESS Vol 26.
Donnelly, DA (2016) The Tangible and The Intangible: Diversity Promotes Democratic Cultural Conservation
Peterborough Examiner (2016) Canadian Canoe Museum reaches 1,000 members. Posted April 7, 2016.
Thomas, S, Donnelly, DA (2015) Grand Egyptian Museum Exhibition Design & Build Package; Naming and Describing Egyptian Vessels. GEM.
Mumford, G. (2015) Exploration in El-Markha Plain, South Sinai: Preliminary Findings at Tell Markha (Site 346) and Elsewhere. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, Vol. 7: 1, pp. 91-115.
Hummel, R. (2015) ‘A Day in the Life...’ - Personal Dig Diaries. In SSEA Newsletter, Summer 2015. pp 3-6.
AERA (2014) Annual Report 2013-2014: Revealing the Past, Building Our Future.
Maunu, J (2013) Digital Resources for Travel Writing and Travel Narratives in World History. World History Connected. Vol 10 No 2
Parcak, SA (2009) Satellite Remote Sensing for Archaeology. New York: Routledge.
Whitelaw, T, Bredaki, M and Vasilakis, A (2009) The Knossos Urban Landscape Project. in Morgan, C. (ed.) Archaeology in Greece. Archaeological Reports 55:94-6.
Fortin, M (2007) Tell 'Acharneh 1998-2004: Rapports préliminaires sur les campagnes de fouilles et saison d'études. Brepols Publishers.
Donnelly, DA (2007) Nephrite Amulets of the Maori. Presentation to George Brown College - Gemmology Program.
Donnelly, DA (2006) From Athens To Naukratis: Iconography of Black-Figure Imports
Mumford, GD (2006) Tell Ras Budran (Site 345): Defining Egypt's Eastern Frontier and Mining Operations in South Sinai during the Late Old Kingdom (Early EB IV/MB I) Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, No. 342 (May, 2006), pp. 13-67.
SSEA (2005) Mini-Lecture Series. SSEA Newsletter, May 2005, p. 4.
Donnelly, DA (2005) Propaganda in the Duality of Ptolemaic Art. Presentation to the SSEA.
Donnelly, DA (2004) Female Portraiture in Roman Egypt. Presentation to the SSEA.
Donnelly, DA (2004) Archaeological and Geographical Evidence for the Voyage of Wenamun
Donnelly, DA (2004) Egyptian Red Sea Trade: An International Affair in The Graeco-Roman Period
Donnelly, DA (2004) Boats and Ships of The Old Kingdom: Transportation For The People and For The Gods
Mumford, GD and Parcak, S (2003) Pharaonic Ventures into South Sinai: el-Markha Plain Site 346. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 89, (2003), pp. 83-116
Richardson, P (2002) City and Sanctuary: Religion and Architecture in the Roman Near East. London: SCM Press.