Alberta - Wild Rose Country
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The thing about moving somewhere new is the amazing opportunity it affords to learn about a new culture, new flora and fauna, and to make new friends. A new chapter unfolds from a single blank page.
Perplexing Bumble Bee (Bombus perplexus) Riley Park, Calgary, AB (2023)
Northern Leopard Frog (Lithobates pipiens) ENDANGERED - White Rock Coulee (2022)

Purple Prairie Clover (Dalea purpurea) VULNERABLE - near the Bow River in Calgary (2024)

5 needle Limber pine (Pinus flexilis) - atop the Whaleback. VULNERABLE in Canada (2023)
American White Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) IMPERILED in Alberta - Frank Lake IBA (2023)
Oval-leaved Milkweed (Asclepias ovalifolia) - VULNERABLE (S3) in Alberta - found at Wainwright Dunes Ecological Reserve (2023)
Leafy spurge hawkmoth (Hyles euphorbia) caterpillar - White Rock Coulee (2022)
Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) - male - Frank Lake IBA (2023)
Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) - female - Frank Lake IBA (2023)

White Rock Coulee, Cypress County, Alberta (Sep 2022)

Beaver (Castor canadensis) dam near Big Hill Springs Provincial Park (Apr 2024)

Following the final report of Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA's) 15-year monitoring of the Bighorn Backcountry, a 2023 hike proved that no amount of trail maintenance would be sustainable for OHV (off highway vehicle) use.

This wasn't even the worst part of the Hummingbird Trail in the Bighorn Backcountry. (with Heinz Unger and Devon Earl)

North of Sixty - Yukon Territory
Glacial fed waters and the beautiful Klondike sun.
Kwanlin (Miles Canyon) 2021
Above Stewart Crossing - winter 2013
Overview of the Yukon River at Kwanlin (Miles Canyon)
“Take only memories. Leave nothing but footprints.”
– Chief Seattle
dappled sun over clear water, Hidden Lakes, Yukon (2021)
Summer’s mirror - Marsh Lake, Yukon (2013)
I have been involved in Environmental Management for numerous years including developing policy, monitoring sites and conducting remediation, advocacy and education.
Arachnid on a spruce bough
Canadian Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio canadensis) at Kwanlin (2022)
Wood Bison (2014) THREATENED
Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia)
Alberta Wilderness Association (2024) Strategic Plan 2025-2030. Posted online Jan 2, 2025.
Ecojustice (2024) Environmental and health professionals call for investigation into Alberta oil and gas company’s failure to report air emissions. Application for investigation sent to ECCC Dec. 11, 2024.
Ecojustice (2024) Regulator sells out community safety for pennies on the dollar, as Imperial Oil gets 95 per cent “discount” on oil sands spill fine. Joint press release issued Nov. 28, 2024.
Alberta Wilderness Association (2024) Annual Report.
Alberta Energy Regulator (2024) Correspondence Regarding Environmental Impact Assessment of the Pathways Alliance CO2 Transportation Network and Storage Hub Project. Letter dated October 24, 2024, posted by The Narwhal.
Minister Advisory Committee for Public Lands and Recreation Advice to the Alberta Minister of Forestry and Parks (2024) Recreational Access Regulation Review: Final Report, dated September 24, 2024.
West Coast Environmental Law (2024) Open joint letter to Canada’s Political Leaders Urging Immediate and Cooperative Climate Action After Devastating Jasper Wildfire Destroys Iconic Canadian Mountain Town, dated July 31, 2024.
CPAWS NA (2024) Upcoming 46th World Heritage Committee meeting and lack of progress by Canada to implement the Action Plan for Wood Buffalo National Park. Joint letter to Mr Eloundou Assomo, Director - World Heritage Centre, UNESCO, dated July 19, 2024.
Ecojustice (2024) Unreasonable Delay, Request for Review, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Request No. AF000-2022-G-16. Joint letter to the Alberta Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, dated June 14, 2024.
Ecojustice (2024) Request for an environmental impact assessment of the Pathways Alliance CCS Project. Joint letter to Alberta Energy Regulator and Government of Alberta, dated May 13, 2024.
Donnelly, DA (2024) Endangered Species Conservation in Vietnam.
Animal Justice (2024) Notice of Objection to RVD2024-04 Re-evaluation Decision “Predacide Uses of Strychnine and Sodium Monofluoroacetate and their Associated End Use Products”. Joint letter to Canada’s Minister of Health.
Donnelly, DA (2024) Biodiverse Thailand: Conservation for Species at Risk.
Environmental Defence Canada (2024) Phasing out public financing of the fossil fuel and petrochemical sectors. Joint letter to the Prime Minister.
Ecojustice (2024) Conservation groups seek ‘legal personhood’ status for Athabasca River Basin.
Alberta Wilderness Association (2024) Reconsidering the Alberta Energy Regulator: What We Heard Report.
Donnelly, DA (2024) A History of Egyptian Species at Risk. Presentation to the Alberta Wilderness Association on March 25, 2024.
Nature Canada (2024) UK Government incentivizing the burning of forest-based wood pellets for energy generation. Joint letter to the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, dated February 28, 2024.
Aktionsgemeinschaft Schweizer Tierversuchsgegner (AGSTG), Switzerland (2023) Switzerland’s December 2023 - January 2024 wolf cull. Joint Open Letter to Federal Councillor Albert Rösti and the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention.
Pembina Institute (2023) Renewable Energy and Land Use Planning. Joint letter to Government of Alberta Ministers, dated November 15, 2023.
Alberta Wilderness Association (2023) Bighorn Backcountry Report: OHV use in the Bighorn.
Alberta Wilderness Association (2023) AWA Report: A Review of Suncor’s McClelland Lake Wetland Complex Operational Plan for the Fort Hills Oil Sands Project.
Alberta Wilderness Association (2023) Annual Report.
Natural Resources Defense Council (2023) Carbon accounting: greenhouse gas emissions from industrial logging. Joint letter to President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau, dated March 22, 2023.
Earl, D. (2023) Scarred Landscape: Years of OHV Use Changed the Bighorn Backcountry. Wild Lands Advocate, Winter 2023.
Alberta Wilderness Association (2022-2025) Wild Lands Advocate. Winter 2022, Fall 2023, Winter 2023, Spring 2025.
Nadler, SJ (2022) Created at the Canyon 2022 - 11th Anniversary, Yukon Conservation Society (video)
Future Earth Canada, Sustainability in the Digital Age, Canadian Science Policy Centre (2022) Canada’s Sustainable Future – Creating a Digital Action Plan.
Government of Yukon (2022) Assessing Climate Change: Risk And Resilience in the Yukon.
Danish Center for Marine Research (2021) Ocean Decade Arctic Action Plan.
Yukon Conservation Society (2021) Annual Report.
CPAWS Yukon and YCS (2021) New poll affirms Yukoners want strong environmental protection.
Mounier, M (2021) Création au Canyon : découvrir ou redécouvrir la nature à travers l’art, L’Aurore boréale
Khan, A (2021) Whitehorse looks to battery storage to unplug from diesel, National Observer.
Donnelly, DA, ed. (2020-2022) Walk Softly, Yukon Conservation Society.
Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition (2020) Inuit Nunangat Regional Virtual Workshop Summary Report / Rapport sommaire de la session virtuelle d’Inuit Nunangat.
Yukon Conservation Society (2020) Annual Report.
Nowak, K (2020) Mining Mammoths, The Safina Center.
Nowak, K (2020) One Health Recommendations for Yukon ENGO sector. CPAWS Yukon
Blue Climate Initiative (2019) Indigenous Voices for a Ban on Deep Sea Mining.
Donnelly, DA (2017) Impacts of Climate Change On The Cultural Resources and Natural Habitats of The Canadian Western Arctic - Herschel Island, Yukon
Donnelly, DA (2017) Proposed Conservation Strategies For Fundy Biosphere Reserve, New Brunswick, Canada
Donnelly, DA (2016) World Heritage Sites: Developing A Successful Management Plan
Donnelly, DA (2016) Canadian Biodiversity: The IUCN Red List and SARA
Donnelly, DA (2015) World Heritage List Sites in Canada and Egypt: Meeting The Criteria For Outstanding Universal Value
BCE (2014) BCE 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report
CBC (2014) Northwestel expands solar power at remote sites in Yukon, N.W.T.
BCE (2013) BCE 2013 Corporate Responsibility Report
Donnelly, DA (2013) Yukon Territory Water Resource Management
Joannou, A (2013) NorthwesTel tests solar power for remote sites. Yukon News
Northwestel (2013) NorthwesTel Remote Station Solar/Diesel Hybrid Feasibility
Donnelly, DA (2013) Climate Change Impacts On Agriculture and Food Security in The Sahel
Donnelly, DA (2013) Forestry Management in Mali: Impacts On Local Communities